Courtney Rogers, founder of Court & Co is our 2020 AusMumpreneur QLD-NT Business Leadership Silver Award winner.
Courtney Rogers is an award-winning pricing expert based in Brisbane, Australia. With a background in sales in marketing, and prior studies in accounting and psychology, she uses her varied experience and knowledge to help women build a business that lasts, through the power of pricing. Her mission is to help every woman in business grow a profitable business with confidence.
When did you start your business?
In November 2018.
What was the inspiration behind starting this business?
I am passionate about advancing economic outcomes for women; helping them become self-sufficient and financially independent. I realised as a young woman that having the ability to be independent gave me so much power, but there were so many women around me who felt powerless in their lives because they were dependent on someone else. Many of these women wished they could run a business, earn their own money, and follow their dreams. I desperately want to help women in these situations – especially those who are single mums and want to have financial stability and abundance.
What are you most excited about in your business?
That I get to make a real difference in the life-outcomes for women and their families. Whenever I hear feedback, reviews, or testimonials from women about how their life is different because of the work I’ve done with them, it blows me away.
What has been the most challenging thing about starting your business?
Not having an existing model to work from. Pricing is a very new field of its own, and there aren’t many examples of behavioural science-heavy pricing (but plenty on the data-driven side). I had choice overload in terms of how my business worked and what I offered. This made me hesitant and, if I’m honest, a bit nervous very early on.
What advice would you give to other women thinking about starting a business?
Focus. There are SO many things you can do when you’re starting a business. But hone in on WHO you want to help. What is the problem they want solved? How do they want their life to look different after they’ve worked with you/used your product? Then, reverse-engineer these answers to see what your business should look like.
Why did you enter the AusMumpreneur Awards?
I am competitive by nature, and most of all with myself. I did it as a way to motivate myself, and also to gain credibility and public affirmation that my business is successful and making a positive difference.
What did you enjoy the most about being part of the awards?
Winning! Haha, to be completely honest, I was blown away when I heard I’d won an award. It boosted my confidence, and allowed me to recognise and celebrate my work with something tangible.
What surprised you most about the awards?
All the different categories – there are so many, and I think that’s awesome. I love the work Peace and Katy are doing to make awards accessible for so many women.
How did the awards help you in your business?
Aside from the major confidence boost, the awards gave me something to leverage in all areas of my business: marketing/socials, newsletters, media, and so on. I’ve been able to include it in things I write, and the logos on my website.
What advice would you give to others mums thinking about entering the awards?
Go for it! Honestly, the worst that can happen is you get a nomination, but not a finalist/winning spot. So what? You got nominated for an award! And you deserve it, because you work bloody hard for your business, and you deserve the recognition and praise. Give yourself permission to celebrate YOU and all that you do.
What’s happening next in your business? Any big plans for the future?
Yes! I have just re-launched my membership (the Court & Co Club), which is a more affordable way for women in business to access me for pricing advice and sales coaching. It’s a monthly, cancel-anytime community. I’m also working on something that will be a 6-week project that will take you from where you are now, to your ‘right’ pricing, and will include market research, projections, coaching, and lots of support and guidance
To learn more about Court & Co, please visit the website, Facebook or LinkedIn.
All images featured here are from Courtney Rogers.
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